

instantaneously capturing official stats from the source: anywhere, on any device. From the field to the world



saving hours of setup time for running tournaments, from schedules to officials to match sheets. Keeping accuracy paramount by being 100% sport specific



displaying stats fans want to see by combining live stats with aggregated data to turn athletes into stars and teams into dynasties

Try a demo, contact us today!
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Our Platform

Our platform is easy to use and easy to access with best practice security and data management:

  • Acesss from anywhere - cloud based web service
    • High performance data centre
    • Optimized for low bandwidth environments: wifi, mobile tethering
  • Any device - cross platform, mobile and tablet friendly
    • Responsive design adapts to all screen sizes
    • Entry screens optimized for mobile devices
  • Security - built in access control
    • Individual user logins
    • Sport specific access levels and data protection
    • Full history of data changes
  • Backups - keep your data safe
    • Database replication ensures data is backed up continuously
    • Full system backups daily
  • Clean and easy user experience

About Us

Altius is a digital stats company, consisting of a group of people passionate about sports and providing experiences that excite fans across the world.

We specialize in sports statistics, competition and record management, at source results capture and realtime display.

Altiusrt is our flagship product line. We work with clients to provide the exact features needed to make realtime sports stats come alive. We are continually adding functionality to Altiusrt that allows users to integrate realtime stats with historical data for a rich, in-depth sport experience.



Matches played


Goals scored

updates in realtime
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